Avon Brochure (Page 89)

Eyebrow Shaping Guide at Home

Today’s topic is about Eyebrow Shaping with Avon Brochure March 2020. Eyebrows are one of the most important beauty details that frame your eyes and shape your expression. Take the strings against your eyebrows that come out of alignment and declare your freedom in home insulation. We researched the tricks of eyebrow shaping at home for you. If you want to thicken your eyebrows and give a new model, this period of your stay can be useful for you. Release your eyebrows for a while before styling and stay a little away from the camera during meetings. In the meantime, you can strengthen weak hairs by applying eyebrow care oils.

Right Light

After waiting for a sufficient time for your eyebrows to come back, the queue moves. Before you intervene in your eyebrows, move directly across to a place that receives strong light. So you will be able to see even the smallest eyebrow strands and not allow leaks.


Comb and align before you get your eyebrows. This step is perfect for determining the shape of the eyebrow, checking the condition and reaching the right strands. Straighten your eyebrows again after each tweezer move.

A Good Tweezer

Make sure you have good tweezers to shape your eyebrows. The wrong products do not remove the eyebrow at the root and only break. This causes you to experience short-term happiness and not get a clean result.


At this stage, we do not recommend that you go for a dramatic change in your eyebrow shape. Your overall goal should be to pack your eyebrows and improve their shape. Remove the hair that starts from the outside and goes inside. Do not take risks by getting too close to the outline of your eyebrow. After you slightly draw the form you want to reach with a pencil, you can apply a more cautious process by taking your eyebrows according to this line.

If the form of your eyebrows is very bad or if you do not mind an eyebrow model that you always want to try, get help from eyebrow razors. Avoid irreversible results by performing close and detailed shaping with a razor. Since the razor does not remove the hair from the root, it does not offend. If you are satisfied with the shape of the eyebrow you have reached, you can gather the hair that comes out after a few days with tweezers.

If you want to see more Avon Products, offers and makeup tips, you can visit the main page! Also, for a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020, you should subscribe to us and follow us on Facebook!


How to Prevent Static Electricity in Your Hair

Today’s topic is about How to Prevent Static Electricity in Your Hair and we share Avon Brochure March 2020 for you. One of the biggest problems of all of us in daily life is the electrification and swelling of our hair. The main reason for this is moisture. Firstly, drinking plenty of water is an important step. Hair loss and blistering occur due to poor nutrition. For this reason, we should pay attention to what we eat and consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals. We should never wash our hair with extremely hot water. Hot water leads to loss of moisture in the hair and wears the hair. We should generally wash our hair with warm water and thereby reduce moisture loss.

Using conditioners and hair serums to moisturize and soften our hair can be one of the biggest solution tools in this problem. These methods greatly prevent electrification and blistering. After washing our hair, we should comb it slowly while it is damp. Combing the hair when it is dry will ruffle our hair and cause it to break.

In addition, it is necessary to make natural care for our hair 1-2 days a week. We can have healthy hair by caring for your hair with vegetable oils such as olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, pine oil.

Hair Care at Home

Of course, one of the most striking places when it comes to looks is hair. It is not a coincidence at this point that its care becomes very important regardless of gender. Due to the fact that it is in direct contact with the open air, it is necessary to take great care of the hair, which has a difficult maintenance process, to look healthy.

Today, many other factors such as dirty air, heat-operated straightener, tongs and wrong methods used to wear out the hair and cause it to look bad. Oily hair, dry lifeless hair, thin hair with thin hair and weak hair that is constantly shedding is an issue that most people suffer from. For this reason, the cosmetics sector, which has developed quite recently, offers various solutions for many people.

Here is How to Prevent Static Electricity in Your Hair and Avon March 2020 Brochure. If you want to see Avon products, deals or a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020, you should visit the main page! Also, follow us on Facebook! Here u go!

Skincare at Home

Today, home skincare recipes and home-made natural masks are being explored so we share some tips about Skincare at Home and Avon Brochure March 2020. Due to the coronavirus, hairdressers, beauty salons are currently closed. So how will skincare at home be? Skincare tricks that protect the skin that you can easily prepare at home! The secret of beautiful-looking skin is not hairdressers, beauty salons or lotions. They are natural care products. All you have to do is make use of your kitchen.

Beauty Secrets;

Yoghurt-honey-lemon masks for bright and clean skin: Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice apply to your skin. Wait 20 minutes and wash with warm water.

Strawberry mask to moisturize dry skin: Mix 8-10 pieces of fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon of oat flour, 1 egg yolk and 2 spoons of yogurt in the food processor, mash and rub it into your skin. Wait 20 minutes and wash with warm water.

Yogurt-lemon masks to cleanse oily skin from blackhead: mix 4 spoonfuls of yogurt with half lemon juice and apply the mixture to your skin. Wait 10 minutes and wash with warm water.

Flaxseed mask for freckles: Boil enough flaxseeds in hot water. Apply it to your skin with the water, wait 20 minutes and wash with warm water.

Orange mask: To prepare the mask, peel the orange peel, then dry the peel and throw it into the mixer and powder it. Mix it with milk until it becomes creamy and apply on your face and let it dry until it dries. You can remove the mask with warm water.

Lemon and milk mixture: This recipe has a feature that you can apply to the whole body and if you apply it regularly once a week, you can see the results after 1 month.

First, fill the tub with warm water and add a glass of whole milk and the juice of a lemon. After mixing the water well, enter it and stay in the water for about 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water after 20 minutes.

If you want to see more tips, Avon Products and offers, you can visit the main page! Also, a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020, follow us on Facebook and subscribe to us with your email!

Practical Time: 10 Makeup Trends

These days when the coronavirus has spread and we are not going out, we try to choose topics that you can do at home so today’s topic is about 10 makeup trends with Avon Brochure March 2020! We share Avon March 2020 Catalogue because it has a wide range of Avon Products! Although life on the street slows down, trend lists continue to be renewed rapidly. You can also adapt the beautiful portraits that you want to try social isolation but always try but do not have any hand. Discover the 10 makeup trends of the season you need to specialize with tips.

Flawless Rorange

The harbinger of the hot seasons ‘Rorange’ is on stage again. Although this color is a mixture of red and orange, the harmonious rorange tone may vary depending on the skin color. Decide with a few tries on the right rorange that suits you.

Pretentious Lashes

Eyelashes framing the eyes are of great importance in the new season. You can take advantage of glitter, colored mascara for a more distinctive and more characterful look, or you can get used to wearing false eyelashes in your spare time.

Makeup Without Makeup

If you have flawless skin enough for light makeup, you are lucky. But if you need to use several products for mirror skin look, start working for the most natural result. Facial mists that reduce the heavy look of powder products and give a healthy glow to the skin are our favorite tricks.

Floral Appliques

You may not want an ambitious and avant-garde look as beautiful as the beautiful portrait of Giambattista Valli. However, even with minimal dimensions, the floral appliqués you will attach to your face and eyelids herald the optimist atmosphere of spring. How will you fix it? A strong lash glue with a transparent formula works!

Jewel Mask

If you have picked up your eyelash glue, don’t leave it. Indeed, it is also necessary for this three-dimensional view. The high-dose shimmer in makeup continues with crystal stones. A tweezer and a little bit of patience are needed to be the focus of the looks at the party you attend or to add a twinkle to your look with little touches.

Dominant Eyeliner

The borders are clear, sharp, daring and dominant: The aura of black eyeliner who says I am here is one of the sines qua non of the new season. Start with a felt-tip eyeliner, the easiest to master the perfect lines of this borderless look.

Effortless Bordeaux

In the new period, burgundy takes itself out of the darkness of the night and combines with daily combinations. However, there is a little trick in this look. The lipstick you use should not be highly pigmented. Get a more effortless and misty result, such as a wine trail, with clear formulas or finger products.

Optimist Shine

If you are afraid of jewel glances and want to start makeup easily, do the opening with shims. A mild application to your eye fountains can accustom you to this glow. However, be careful to use cosmetic products, not hobby pins, for this make-up.

Watercolor Looks

The jewel-toned smoky looks of the past season are renewed with more pastel tones in the warm climate. Monet inspired, impressionist practices reflect the color palette of spring to your eyes. Make sure you have a quality blending brush while doing this application.

If you want to see more offers and makeup tips, you can visit the main page! Also, you can follow us on Facebook for a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020!

The Best Makeup for Your Hair Color

Today’s topic is about makeup for your hair color with Avon Brochure March 2020! Just as we make up according to our clothes, it is so important to make up according to our hair color. You can look much more natural and plain by making makeup according to your hair color. Our hair is like the frame of our character and our face. We cannot give up the colors we usually get used to in makeup, but when we change our hair color, we think about what makeup we do. But keep in mind that by applying makeup suitable for your hair, you will put not only your face but also your flawless hair in the foreground. Let’s talk about how we should make up according to hair color.

You should also check out Avon March 2020 Brochure!

If you have brown hair; In your eye makeup, coffee, beige, and bronze colors will make you look very beautiful. You can choose natural colors, earth tones or nut colors on the lips. In the foundation, you can use light brownish tones. Finally, bronze and peach shades will suit you in the blush selection.

If you are red-haired; Eyes in black and green tones will make you look pretty beautiful. When choosing a foundation, you can choose one or two light colors from your skin. In the selection of lipstick, red and powder shades can open you. When choosing blush, you can choose pink shades.

In blond hair; In eye makeup, pink shades will suit you very well, however, you can enliven your makeup with blue and dark blue eye pencils. Light pinks, fuchsia, and red tones will suit you well in the selection of lipstick. You can choose light tones suitable for your skin in the foundation. You can also choose peach, pink and bronze shades when choosing blush.
On black hair; Grays and blacks will suit you well in your eye makeup.

Using one or two light colors from your skin color will make your hair color more prominent. You can choose red shades like lipstick. As for the blush selection; Natural tile shades that will accentuate the cheekbones will suit you quite well. Always stay beautiful, goodbye.

If you want to see more Avon products, tips and offers, you can visit the main page! Also, follow us on Facebook! And a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020, visit us regularly!


Get Fuller Eyebrows With Eyebrow Gel

Today’s topic is about getting Fuller Eyebrows With Eyebrow Gel with products of Avon Brochure March 2020! The care that a woman will do for her eyebrows that reveal her facial contours is very important. There are varieties of eyebrow gels that can be used easily for women whose eyebrows are shed or undersized. I recommend Mark. Perfect Brow Creme Gel Pot. You should try this product from Avon March 2020 Catalogue.

For what purposes is eyebrow gel used?

Eyebrow gel, which provides the shape of the eyebrows at the same time while feeding the eyebrows, is highly preferred by the ladies whose eyebrows frequently deteriorate during the day. Ladies with thin or sparse eyebrows may also prefer eyebrow gel as it gives a lush look. It also helps your facial features to be more pronounced as it provides a full and stable appearance.

Which type of eyebrow gel should I choose?

Light-colored eyebrow gel: If you have thin and sparse eyebrows, you can choose the light-colored model if you want to have natural looking full brows.

Colorless eyebrow gel: If you are satisfied with your eyebrow color, you can choose this if you just want to keep them properly fed and nourish during the day.

Women who are sensitive and immediately irritated may prefer hypoallergenic eyebrow gels. Since such products will prevent the skin from breathing, it must be cleaned at the end of the day. Therefore, wash with make-up cleaners at the end of the day with plenty of water.

Here is getting Fuller Eyebrows With Eyebrow Gel with products of Avon March 2020 Brochure. If you want to see more Avon Products, you can visit the main page. Also, for a preview of Avon Brochure April 2020, subscribe to us and follow us on Facebook!