7 Tips for Winter Skin Care 2023

Let’s browse 7 Tips for Winter Skin Care 2023 with Avon Brochure January 2023! Looking to level up your winter skincare? Then there are other things to watch out for. Looking for solace in a favorite facial oil or moisturizer may seem like the only answer, but there is so much more you can and should do to properly combat dry, flaky skin.

If you don’t want to let your skin suffer because of the falling temperatures, read on for seven important skin care rules during the winter months. You will soon get used to it. Let’s view 7 Tips for Winter Skin Care 2023 and follow the steps!

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As we enter the winter season, our skin is exposed to changes in temperature and humidity, as well as wind and rain, which can stress our delicate skin barrier. It’s the perfect time to rethink your skincare routine as you battle environmental stressors. The main indicators of disruption of the skin barrier are taut, irritated, itchy and dehydrated skin.

Even during the less volatile months, our skin barrier is subject to degradation. External aggressors such as overuse of skin care products and pollution can affect it. However, it is especially important to look after it carefully. You can try skincare products that contain ingredients like niacinamide, which increases ceramide production in the skin, fights anti-inflammatory and uneven pigmentation, as well as richer creams that lock in ceramides themselves, lipids, and moisture. It is possible to reach many healthy solutions on Avon Brochure! Check it out!

Effective AVON Care Products

At night, our skin goes into repair and regeneration mode, so it’s very important to keep your evening skincare routine under control. You can look for polyhydroxy acids in your skin care products, as they are the gentler cousins of alpha hydroxy acids. And then we recommend cleaning with a non-drying acid cleaner.

You can replace retinol with peptides, the second most proven ingredient when it comes to skin health and regeneration after retinol, and then apply a ceramide-rich moisturizer to protect the skin. If you need a good moisturizer, you should try Avon moisturizers. They are many good and effective skincare products!

However, we will have a warning about retinol; Although you may assume that winter is the best time to start using it, skin is already prone to irritation and dryness during the colder months. That’s why it’s important to be careful. It may take several weeks for the skin to get used to the use of retinol. It’s common to experience some dryness and redness, so if your skin is already like this in winter, the combination of the two can be unbearable and difficult to deal with. Our advice is not to overdo it. Those who are already using retinol can continue as normal.

AVON Anti-Aging Products

When your skin is flaking, sometimes it feels like the only way is to exfoliate them. In fact, this can further disrupt the skin barrier, leading to more skin problems. You can reduce the exfoliation frequency to once or twice a week. And avoid combining physical exfoliants like grainy peels with chemical exfoliants like alpha or beta hydroxy acids, as this can cause redness and irritation, especially if you’re using a retinoid product. Don’t go overboard with your skin care. Less is more.

One of the biggest challenges for our skin in winter is the constant changes in temperature; Moving from the heat to the cold outside causes damage to our skin. Spending time indoors with less fresh air can also cause problems. Let’s browse the best skincare for your skin health with Avon January 2023 Brochure! Let’s check it out!

Recycled air has more toxins in it, and central heating removes water from the atmosphere, which in turn draws water away from the skin. To support healthy skin, you can have an air purifier in the room where you spend the most time.

Skincare Must-Haves at AVON

Antioxidant-rich skincare is also important because it helps protect the skin against micro-toxins caused by recycled air, as well as those caused by pollution, UV and blue light damage. Look for ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin E, resveratrol, and niacinamide.

Don’t think that the colder months mean you have to replace your favorite moisturizers with facial oils. While drier skin types may benefit, oilier ones should stay away.

We usually recommend facial oils for those with dry skin, as oils tend to sit on the skin’s surface and prevent further moisture loss. Additionally, a separate moisturizer can also help reach the deeper layers of the skin. Do not opt for oils for oily or acne-prone skin, as they can trigger acne by causing more congestion. Those with oily skin should instead stick to non-comedogenic formulas that contain ingredients like dimethicone, ceramides or hyaluronic acid.

AVON Moisturizers

Just like with oils, thick and heavy formulas are not always best for the skin although they have their place in some skincare routines. Thick, nourishing balm cleansers are a great way to pamper the skin a little. Hovever, they don’t necessarily moisturize the skin. If you apply too much heavy product to the surface, your skin’s sensors read it as not requiring true hydration, so they won’t absorb the needed water into the deeper layers of the skin.

After a while, the deeper layers become lazy and unhealthy, which eventually means more dryness and more irritation in the upper layers. To fix this, look to moisturizing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and squalene, and then use good moisturizer. The best way to hydrate your skin is from within, so drink plenty of water.

AVON Skincare including Vitamins

Taking a vitamin D supplement in the winter may help. Aside from the colder months when the days are shorter and darker, most of us don’t get enough vitamin D throughout the year. This vitamin is also important for our skin. Vitamin D is key to the skin’s defenses. Inflammatory conditions such as acne, rosacea, and eczema are often exacerbated by vitamin D deficiency. On top of that, its deficiency can negatively affect our mood, causing further hormonal imbalance. This means that our skin is much more likely to misbehave.

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